Someone who sets sail in a ship and is carried this way and that by stormy winds hasn't been on a voyage. He's just been tossed about a lot. So it is with life. Being out of control, drifting through events without finding time for experiences that are most valuable and meaningful, is very different from truly living.
作者簡介:紀翔(Shawn Chi)目前就讀台大經濟系四年級,同時雙主修哲學系,今年8月開始在荷蘭的萊頓大學交換一年。曾任系籃隊長,主辦過Party,大二暑假時和同學於台大創辦校園單車品牌 College Bike現在已推出了三季車款,擴及台灣各地的大學,並且正式成立了公司。在歐洲生活常有一些心得,時不時會寫下來透過Facebook分享。臉書:。
I was raised in Germany, my mom and my dad had been divorced very quickly. 我在德國長大,爸媽很早就離婚了
My mom has 4 children and my dad never cared about us. 我有三個兄弟姊妹!但我爸從來不在乎我們
From a very early age, I needed to take care of myself. 我很小就要學會照顧自己
I started to work when I was 12 years old. 我12歲就開始打工
I delivered the newspaper to the homes. 我當小小送報生
Because my mom just never had the opportunity to give me something. 因為我媽沒有辦法給我任何東西
She gave me a lot of love; she gave me a lot of attentions. 但她很照顧我,給了我很多愛
But she also had a lot of worries. 但她也一直很擔心我
First time I went to Taiwan was with my friend. 我第一次來台灣是跟我好朋友一起
The environment is so different from Germany. The people have been not that cold. 台灣跟德國真的不一樣,台灣人沒那麼冷漠!
I had a lot of problems at school, with the teachers with my classmates because sometimes they bullied me. 我以前在學校跟老師和同學相處不好,同學有時候會霸凌我
There had been times when I just had one trouser. 因為窮,以前常常只能穿同一條褲子
“OH~ Michelle just had one trouser!” and of course I wasn’t smelly but. 「喔~雪兒都穿同條褲子!」但是我根本不臭啊!
And then I came to Taiwan, all these prejudice have been forgotten. 但我來到台灣後,這些歧視都不見了
My dream was to be a part of Taiwan. 我的夢想是想變成台灣的一份子
I did not want to come here as a foreigner. 我不想要當只是個來台灣的外國人
With 30,000 NTD, about 100 Euros. 我來台灣只帶三萬台幣(一千歐元)
I did not know anybody. I slept at my friend’s house. 我人生地不熟,先暫住朋友家
They just said, “we’d give you 3 months. Find a job, find an apartment.” 他給我三個月的時間去找工作和房子
I went to the street, I wanted to eat something and then I just met my boss. 有次肚子餓在路上找東西吃,剛好碰到我現在的紅豆餅老闆
He just said it as a joke, “Ok we need some people here, why don’t you try it?” 他開玩笑的跟我講他缺人,問我要不要學
And I just said, YES! 我馬上答應
I started to do red bean cakes. It was the best decision I could make, I could learn Chinese. 我開始賣紅豆餅,這是我最好的選擇,因為我還可以邊學中文
After 3 months, I was really able to pay my first rent. 工作三個月後我終於賺到我第一筆房租
When people ask me why I am selling red bean cakes. 當大家問我為什麼在賣紅豆餅時
I often say it’s delicious and I like to talk to my customers. 我說是因為好吃,因為我喜歡跟客人聊天
Why did I sell red bean cakes, why didn’t I teach English? 為什麼我選擇賣紅豆餅而不是教英文
Because it’s a challenge. 因為這才是個挑戰
When I came to Taiwan, I came with a big dream. 當我來到台灣,我懷抱著偉大夢想
I still love red bean cakes so much because this gave me the opportunity to really really start my life here. 我很愛紅豆餅,是因為它給了我一個開始台灣新生活的機會
I think money is not important. It’s your life experiences that’s important. 我覺得錢不是最重要的,反倒是人生經驗才是
Because when I came to Taiwan I didn’t think that much. 我當初來台灣時根本沒想太多
I just said I wanted to go there; I wanted to try it. 我只講我要去台灣!我一定要去試看看
Before I came to Taiwan, a lot of people didn’t believe in me. 在來台灣之前,很多人都不相信我
My mom just said,”Michelle, it’s so dangerous”. 我媽跟我說這樣太危險
You are a girl outside alone. 你一個人離鄉背井
You should think about what you want, not what your parents want. 你應該追求自己的人生,不是父母親對你期許的人生
Sometimes we shouldn’t wait. If the opportunity comes just do it. 機會稍縱即逝,做事一定要把握當下!如果你想要離開台灣去闖,就去吧
Don’t go to Australia to do a working holiday visa when you are Taiwanese and just have Taiwanese friends, then you don’t need to go. 不要去澳洲打工度假還整天跟台灣人混在一起,那幹嘛還要去?
Just find out what you can, what you like. 找出你喜歡跟你能做的事情
Don’t listen too much to your parents because they don’t live your life. 不需要完全都聽你父母的,因為人生是你自己的
也許有些朋友反對筆者這個說法,認為台灣前途由2300萬人決定,兩岸關係的根本原則台灣人決定就夠,國力強或弱不妨礙我國國格正當性。然而「應然(應該如何)」無法取代「實然(現實情況)」。依據The Chicago Council On Global Affairs從1998年做到去年的民調顯示,若中共武力犯台支持美國出兵保護台灣的民調約都只有3成上下,去年底甚至創新低只有26%。這也解釋了為何08年我國「入聯」與「返聯」公投都被國際社會打臉,直接對我國嗆聲說無效力,甚至把陳水扁直接說成是麻煩製造者(Trouble Maker)。即便民主很神聖,基於大國國內民意與利益,小國台灣被要求委屈是很正常的。
The world is in denial about the reality of Islamic terrorism by trying to dehypenate the two of the Islamic part from the terrorism. At the time when the Islamic State of Iraq and Syiria (ISIS) or simply Islamic State, uses the holy text in the Qur'an to correct their violent measure, it is disingenuous to pretend that this violence is unrelated to the faith.
As we know that ISIS was outward from the flare of internal politics betwen Iraq and Syria. Was standing on 9th April 2013 and Abu Bakar Al-Baghdadi as a Chaliphate or leader. And of course this goverment still is unilateral because both in the country of Iraq and Syria or other countries not admit the existence of ISIS.
Lately ISIS continues to make news by violating Islam and human rights. The list of horror is a long one. Sadly, it also exposes our collective failure as humanity to respond appropriately to extrimism. ISIS is setting the agenda and highlighting our ineptness in the process. Take, for example how ISIS has been forcing ethnic Yazidi women into sexual slavery, they "ISIS" sais it rooted in historic precedence . Absolutely, that this claim in absurd and false. The turth is that from a doctrinal, Islamic prespective is as an affront to the natural state of the freedom in which God created human beings. That is tied to the first pillar of Islam (declaration of faith). All human are equal before God and are distinguished only by their own good action.
Indeed, the Qur'an advocated for a departure from this age-old practice of human bondage. Calling for the just and humane treatment of slaves as human beings and not property. It also encouraged the act of freeing slaves as an act of worship. Slavery is out lawed throught the world and should never be reconsidered if we accept liberation as the most important value of Islam.
So why, that groups such as ISIS can used outdated dogma to rationalize murder and rape , create a facade of religious legitimacy?
The trouble comes from the fact that organization such as ISIS etc cherry pick tribal custom, then apply an Islamic veneer to rationalize them. And it is this deliberate muddying of reality that lies at the heart of struggle od ideas within the muslim in the world today. ISIS try to exploit mis understanding of doctrine to further their own agendas. Yet while some muslim scholars have spoken out against ISIS's false claim. Other are either silent on the issue of abolishing such outrageous practices or worse.They suggest that muslims are commiting a sin by demanding. We abandon practices that should be consigned to history. Modern form of slavery, such as concubinage and human traficking is an abomination.
Indeed, Islam as a religion developed as a religion for reforming society and to elevate its norms and cultural practices closer to the Qur'anic ideals of freedom and equality. So to go back of the original essence of Islam is bring dignity to humanity. To bring mercy in the world, and to establish justice in the land within which we reside. Islam should be seen as a breath the fresh air, a refuge from war and persecution, whether at the hands of religious or secular rulers.
Muslims must do everything they can to break away from misogynist , maniacal, maddening practices that are dressed up of Islamic. And Muslims must consistently do more to define Islam to the broader publics, rather than simply responding to each outrage by an extrimist group.
Islam is about free thinking and anything that runs counter to such freedom of thought, runs counter will of God. As the Qur'an states that God command justice and goodness and generocity, and He forbids all that is shameful and what runs counter to reason. Islamic jurisprudence is not a rigid and immutable law based on unchanging rules written centuries ago. Instead, is a flexible and dynamic jurisprudence that is fully compatible with the modern human rights framework.
Mainstream, understanding of Islam must be seen as the standart-bearer of the faith (Qur'an and Hadith), and on the side of anyone who oppressed and suffering.